And so it begins.......

It has been said that I am a talker! I generally have something to say about everything, I try to tell my children that there are times in life when one does not have to have a view/opinion or anything to say, that one can say volumes with no words but I do not always practice what I this is my blog if you like, I will post updates regarding massage/training/food/general musings, your company will be welcome..

Saturday 24th January.  Today is a rest day. I have run, ridden and swum in spite of it being so cold this past week. Yesterday's run was more of an ice skate, I added 5 minutes to my usual time for a usual run BUT still better than no run..I shortened my bike rides by half, so many layers of clothing and I still had cold finger tips. Swimming is fine once you are there because the building is warm, it is just the idea of de-robing and being wet that I always struggle with. However, I am always glad I have been!

A point I now want to make is the ridiculous issue of giving myself permission to do what I can when I can instead of pushing myself to limits to reach goals that are always in place but life messes with. For example, the weather, sick children, more work etc etc.

I had a client talking to me about the fact that he had not been to a yoga class for a while, he felt slightly less flexible and thinks he should get back to it soon but has played other racket sports along with some exciting work changes so he cannot find the time slot. He seemed to be feeling guilty! 

Why are we so hard on ourselves? Are we not all doing the best we can with the tools we have? 

I am a believer in physical activity but it doesn't have to be a '10am every wednesday morning' situation, it can be any movement, the above chap is happy, busy and having a great (!) massage so he is doing lots for himself, yoga is there waiting when he is ready. 

We move in cycles, things we fill our lives with for one period may not figure in the next. That is ok! 

I did 6 triathlons last year, raised funds for my daughter's school swimming pool, I was competitive, mastered open water for the first time, placed well, even won my age group at Olympic distance but I may not enter any this year, I may give myself permission to apply my energy elsewhere...

At least I am giving myself until the end of January to decide! Now, what is on the tv tonight?