Massage affects the circulatory, immune, muscular, nervous and digestive systems. As we are a ‘whole’ imbalance in any of these influences overall physical and emotional well being.
I don’t think there is a single person who would not benefit form good, thorough deep tissue massage.
There are many reasons why;
Easing muscle/joint pain, relieving localised areas of pain, releasing tension.
Improving flexibility and movement.
Breaking down of scar tissue which can build up as a result of tissue damage in muscles.
Increasing energy, combating fatigue and muscle stagnation.
Improving the efficiency of the immune system.
Enhancing quality of sleep by aiding relaxation.
Removal of fluids, swelling or odeama, reducing puffiness especially in the ankles and feet.
Improvement in circulation as blood flow is boosted, ensuring a steady flow of oxygen and nutrients is delivered to all the tissues and cells, heat is generated in cold area like hands and feet.
Promotes a general state of relaxation of mind and body, easing tension, anxiety and alleviating he accumulative effects of stress.
My view, and I could get on my soap-box about it, is that we should give back for what we take.
In a ‘normal’ development pattern, up to and including our 20’s, we take a great deal, burning the candle at both ends, pushing physical boundaries bouncing back and recovering without much thought about any price we may pay later.
In our 30’s we have stamina, a sense we could keep on going even if we do have the odd pain or issue.
In our 40’s fatigue sets in, we begin to ‘feel older’ we have to work harder to maintain motivation and stay fit.
In our 50’s health can begin to deteriorate, depending on how well we have taken care of ourselves and how we have lived the prices start to be paid, this is when we manifest any damage we have done, old injuries start to come back to haunt us and the wellbeing of the next few decades is dictated.
Now, none of us know what is around the corner and at any age the unexpected can and does happen but surely if we could do something about ‘it’ we should, shouldn’t we?
We MOT and service cars, care for possessions, have our hair done, buy clothes, shoes, make up etc, we take great care of the outside, what about the inside?
Would you not agree that it is incredible that we get up, against gravity, out of bed everyday?
The motor nervous system, voluntary muscles that move because we decide and chose, often without really thinking and completely taking for granted what we are doing.
650 voluntary muscles, all working in pairs, tensing/relaxing, pushing/pulling, expanding/contracting, endeavouring to offer us all the movement we require for all the activities we demand.
Or not.
Inactivity, sitting as still as can be, requires numerous postural muscles to keep us in position.
We are increasingly becoming a sedentary society, in fact a recent Radio 4 programme on the subject suggested that over the next 20 years more of us will sit than smoke and the effects will become a greater threat to our health!
Sitting for long periods can cause long term postural dysfunction, muscle atrophy, wastage and weakening, lack of fitness, strength, lethargy, weight gain and loss of motivation.
So get good massage..
There does not have to be a specific injury or issue, just the overall wellbeing effect.
Most of us don’t realise how off, sluggish, dull, stagnant, tired, lethargic, fed up, fatigued, etc we may feel until we feel better, we put up with a lack of 'mojo' because we have too much else going on in our lives, that is until something goes wrong!
We are a pump system and our health dictates the pressure our blood pumps around our body. Massage provides a pump action, the various techniques and strokes stimulate circulation so increasing both the supply of blood and the removal of waste substances.
Any improvement in circulation has a profound effect on the body as a whole, benefitting every system.